Declaration Register

Declaration Register
Meeting Date Name of Relevant Person Declaring an Interest Meeting Type Item relating to Interest Nature of Interest
18/02/2025 S Ventris Ordinary Item 9.3.3 - Waive Fee – CRC Room Hire Impartiality
17/12/2024 A Farina Ordinary Item Item 9.3.7 - Town Planning Scheme Amendment – Old Bowling Club Site Proximity
21/05/2024 C McGlashan Ordinary Item 9.3.8 - Disposal of Industrial Land – Lot 4 Strugnell Street Financial Interest - Interest in purchasing property.
21/05/2024 R Nicoletti Ordinary Item 9.3.5 - Property Use Agreement – Mukinbudin Hotel Financial Interest - Owner of Hotel
16/04/2024 C McGlashan Financial Item 9.3.4 - 9.3.4 Industrial Land Sale – Mukinbudin Townsite Financial
11/03/2024 C McGlashan Ordinary Item 9.3.4 - 9.3.4 17 Calder Steet Mukinbudin 2x1 Dwelling Proximity
13/02/2024 G Shadbolt Ordinary Item 9.3.3 - 9.3.3 Australian Council of Local Government Conference Financial
15/12/2023 G Shadbolt Ordinary Item 9.3.2 - 9.3.2 Request for Tender – 2015 Ranger Ute P291 Impartiality
15/12/2023 S Ventris Ordinary Item 9.3.7 - 9.3.7 Australia Day Citizen of the Year 2024 Impartiality
21/11/2023 A Walker Ordinary Item Item 9.3.1 - 9.3.1 2023/2024 Community Chest Funding Applications Impartiality
21/11/2023 C McGlashan Ordinary Item Item 9.3.1 - 9.3.1 2023/2024 Community Chest Funding Applications Impartiality
24/10/2023 A Walker Ordinary Item Item 10.3.8 - District Club Request to Waiver/Reduce Fees – CRC Secretary Impartiality
18/07/2023 C McGlashan Ordinary Item 9.3.5 - Development Application Kingdom Hall - 53 Shadbolt Street Financial interest - Offer on 53 Shadbolt Street
20/06/2023 S Paterson Ordinary Item 9.3.3 - Shire Assistance Request - Mukinbudin Golf Club Impartiality Interest - Cr Paterson is the Mukinbudin Golf Club President
23/05/2023 R Nicoletti Ordinary Item Item 9.3.6 - Mukinbudin Hotel – Request for Roadside Signage Approval Proximity interest - Cr Nicoletti is the Business Owner.
07/02/2023 A Walker Ordinary Item Item 9.3.4 - Football Oval Scoreboard Impartiality interest - Cr Walker is the Mukinbudin Football Club Secretary.
13/12/2022 J Seaby Ordinary Item Item 9.3.7 - Australia Day Citizen of the Year Awards 2023 Impartiality interest - Cr Seaby nominated an event as recipient of the Australia Day Citizen of the Year Award 2023.
13/12/2022 S Ventris Ordinary Item 9.3.7 - Australia Day Citizen of the Year Award 2023 Impartiality interest - Cr Ventris has a close relation with a nominee
13/12/2022 A Walker Ordinary Item 9.3.7 - Australia Day Citizen of the Year Awards 2023 Proximity interest - Cr Walker is a close relation of a nominee.
13/12/2022 R Nicoletti Ordinary Item 9.3.6 - Scheme Amendment Proposal Lot 92 Bent Street, Mukinbudin Financial - Cr Nicoletti is director of Elachbutting Enterprises and owner of the block of land.
15/11/2022 S Ventris Ordinary Item 9.3.1 - Community Chest Applications for 2022/2023 Impartiality due to being Volunteer President of the Planning & Development Association which put in a grant.
15/11/2022 A Farina Ordinary Item 9.3.1 - Community Chest Applications 2022/2023 Impartiality due to being related to staff member of company who's quote was included in grant from Mukinbudin Swimming Club.
27/09/2022 J Seaby Ordinary Item 9.3.2 - CBH Open Bulkhead A proximity interest was declared as Cr Seaby is a member of the CBH board.
16/08/2022 J Seaby Ordinary Item 9.3.3 - Development Application CBH Emergency Bulkhead Proximity Interest on this item due to being a Member of the CBH board
16/08/2022 G Shadbolt Ordinary Item 9.3.4 - Subdivision / Purchase f Land for Barbalin Tanks Financial interest - Owner of land to be purchased.
21/06/2022 C McGlashan Ordinary Item 9.3.1 - Mukinbudin CRC Lease Review Impartiality Interest - Wife is on Board of the CRC
21/06/2022 C McGlashan Ordinary Item 9.3.4 - LRCIP Phase 3 - Hockey Lights Financial Interest - AAE (Owners) quoted on product
17/05/2022 J Seaby Ordinary Item 9.3.4 - LRCIP Hockey Lights Impartiality Interest - Parent of Hockey Club President
23/03/2022 G Shadbolt Ordinary Item 9.3.2 - Barbalin Pipeline - inline Tank Financial Interest - Owner of property tanks to be installed potentially
23/03/2022 A Walker Ordinary Item 9.3.2 - Barbalin Pipeline - Inline Tank Financial interest due to partner in business suppling materials for the project.
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