The Wheatbelt Way
The Wheatbelt Way self-drive trail will lead visitors on an adventurous interpreted journey through the communities of Beacon, Bencubbin, Dowerin, Koorda, Mukinbudin, Nungarin, Trayning, Westonia and Wyalkatchem. It highlights 24 interpreted sites of the many natural attractions and history/heritage sites while offering you opportunities to stay and experience the unique Wheatbelt communities and landscapes.
Mukinbudin is undoubtedly a place for those who have an interest in the outdoors. There are no better places to experience this than Beringbooding Rock and Weira Reserve. Anything from four wheel driving, barbecuing, camping, bushwalking and spectacular views can be experienced amongst these attractions.
Download the Wheatbelt Way Self Drive Trail Guide app with detailed information on each of the nine towns and sections on each of the 24 interpreted sites included in the tour to guide you on your journey through the North Eastern Wheatbelt.
Please visit the Wheatbelt Way website for more information:

Wheatbelt Way Wildflower Guide
The best times to view wildflowers along the Wheatbelt Way are from mid-July through to mid-September with different species putting on their displays over the season (depending on rainfall received). Some orchid and wattle species flower as early as April and May. In normal seasons opening rains set the district up for a brilliant display of wildflowers including masses of white, pink and yellow everlastings, up to 20 varieties of orchids and many bigger trees and shrubs such as wattles, melaleuca, hakea, grevillea, and climbing clematis vines. Acacias are a feature around the granite rocks. Calothamnus quadrifidus provides a great display of red one-sided flowers and as does Leptospermum erubescens with its show of pink and white. If you keep your eyes open you may see the upside down pea bush with red flowers.